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Service robot industry market prospects broad artificial intelligence technology

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology, as a kind of intelligent hardware, service robot products will carry out intelligent transformation of traditional equipment through deepening integration with software, and continue to achieve more powerful functions and more abundant application scenarios. As the information exchange center in the Internet of Things ecosystem, the service robot will also provide information input anytime and anywhere for other networked devices with the help of the Internet and cloud, and further replace users with autonomous control of other networked devices through artificial intelligence technology to provide intelligent services for users, and the market prospect is very broad.

According to the "Service robot industry development prospects and investment strategic planning analysis Report" released by the Prospective Industry Research Institute statistics show that the global service robot market size in 2014 was about 5.97 billion US dollars, 2010-2014 compound annual growth rate of 10.8%. Global service robot sales in 2015 have reached 6.8 billion US dollars, and it is estimated that the total size of the global service robot market from 2015 to 2018 is about 39.4 billion US dollars, with a four-year compound annual growth rate of 21.07%.

Statistical analysis of service robot sales in China

At present, China's service robot industry is still in the initial stage of development, of which, most of the products are still in the research and development test stage, and the service robot products put into use and achieve industrialization are still very few. In 2016, the market size of China's service robots reached 3.88 billion yuan. With the continuous maturity of industry technology and the continuous expansion of product application scenarios, the demand for service robots has gradually increased, and it is expected that the sales of service robots in China will reach nearly 6 billion yuan in 2018, reaching 5.96 billion yuan.

Regional distribution analysis of service robot enterprises in China

In terms of the regional distribution of service robot enterprises in China, Guangdong accounted for the highest proportion, accounting for 28.6% of the country; In second place is Beijing, with 24.5 percent. Ranked third is Shanghai, service robot enterprises accounted for 11.9% of the national service robot enterprises; It was followed by Jiangsu and Zhejiang with 7.5% and 7.3% respectively.

1、Professional-grade service robots continue to penetrate into all walks of life, and take the lead in some industries to achieve outbreak and popularity; The personal home service robot industry will become increasingly rich in form, and its functions will gradually integrate.

Service robots in various commercial industries have broad development prospects, medical, finance, warehousing/logistics, customer service/catering and other fields of professional service robots market potential is huge, is the current development of the hot spot. Among them, storage robots will take the lead in achieving outbreak and popularity because their tasks are easy to systemize and quantify; Customer service, welcome, catering and other scenarios have low requirements for robot technology. At present, software and hardware technologies such as voice interaction, environmental perception, and Lidar have basically met the needs of these scenarios. With the mass production of robots, the cost and price decline, large-scale machine replacement can be quickly realized

As an important field of the general service robot industry, unmanned driving is expected to remain in the stage of technology improvement, data accumulation and facility laying in the next two years due to high requirements for technical level, infrastructure, policy and regulatory support. With the support of national policies, special robots such as national defense and rescue will continue to develop in the direction of specialization, refinement and depth.

In the consumer field such as personal/home, the form and technology of sweeping robot products are mature, the number of players has increased, and it has become the first category in the household field, and the market penetration rate will continue to increase in the future. At present, the companion intelligent robot is still mainly accompanied by children, focusing on early education, life assistant and other functions, and some products highlight programming, interactive entertainment and other characteristics, with strong toy attributes. Overall, there are many products in this field, and the quality is uneven, and the product experience, appearance and functional diversity will become an important judging indicator for consumers to buy.

As companies with core technologies continue to open technology platforms and solutions, product categories and forms will be diversified in the future, and functions will be gradually integrated or provided to different consumer groups in a modular manner; Although there is a market gap in elderly care robots, the scene tasks are complex, the technical requirements are high, the research and development is difficult, and the production cost is high, and it is still in the exploration stage, and it is possible to integrate with other household robot products in the future, or to promote and popularize the community as a unit.

2、Professional service robots will develop in the direction of specialization, differentiation and serialization, and household service robots will develop in the direction of platform, integration and diversification

Professional service robots are mainly for specific industries, specific scenarios, specific business needs, the purpose is to achieve cost reduction and efficiency through machine replacement, so the robot products in this field will develop in the direction of specialization, serialization, and differentiation, that is, the processing capacity of specific businesses is more and more professional, and product functions are more and more subdivided. Products for different scenarios and tasks in specific industries, or different tasks in specific scenarios in specific industries, will form a matrix and series, and gradually meet the automation and intelligent needs of all walks of life. In the field of home service robots, due to the similarity of scenes and core needs, intelligent robot products will form 2-3 mainstream systems and technology platforms in the future, which will integrate the main interaction, tools and applications in the home scene. Based on these platforms and functions, the market will break out in a variety of forms, prices and functional combinations for the preferences and personalized needs of different consumer groups.

3、The service robot will integrate artificial intelligence technology internally to achieve intelligent interaction and recognition and perception, the external will use the Internet of Things technology to achieve intelligent interconnection, and based on cloud computing, fog computing, big data analysis and other technologies to achieve real-time flow of online and offline data, automatic management and analysis and decision-making.

As one of the main driving forces to promote the development of service robot industry, artificial intelligence technology has become an indispensable core technology of service robot products. At the same time, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, fog computing, and big data technology will also make service robots the next generation of interactive terminals, data entrances, and computing platforms. In the future, service robots will develop from networked perception, cognition, and interaction to the stage of robot autonomous analysis, judgment, and decision-making.

In the professional field, service robots will rapidly improve their intelligence level through the accumulation and analysis of industry business data, online and offline transactions, and interactive data, and the relationship between humans and robots will also develop from human-controlled machines and human-machine collaboration to autonomous decision-making and even monitoring of humans.

In the field of personal household, with the gradual maturity of artificial intelligence technology, product form, and industrial chain, household intelligent robots will become a new computing platform and traffic entrance in the home scene, and its system platform will access a variety of content and applications, which will combine new projection, display and screen technologies. Meet the home scene including visual, auditory, body and other interactive ways of games, education, entertainment, social, life and other different needs. At the same time, through the accumulation and learning of user behavior and interaction data, intelligent robots will also achieve more personalized and active interaction, providing a richer, more convenient and more intelligent experience for users' family life.


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